Become a Volunteer

Our work relies heavily on volunteer support – without it, we wouldn’t be able to operate.

In January 2025, we will organize training for those who wish to support us in the work of both QueerMuseum and the Lambda Warsaw Archive!

We will be looking for individuals who want to lead tours (in Polish and/or English) of the QM main exhibition and temporary exhibitions, help prepare temporary exhibitions, catalog and organize the Archive, and get involved in collecting exhibits and materials for the Museum!

Become a Partner

We invite all institutions, companies, and individuals to become official partners of QueerMuseum!

Contact us!

Make a Donation

Creating and running QueerMuseum is a significant financial challenge – Lambda Warsaw has already spent over 500,000 PLN on its development.

We kindly ask for your support! Donations for the functioning of QM can be transferred to the Museum’s sub-account:

95 2130 0004 2001 0259 8738 0010

Thank you very much!

Donations can also be made through our fundraiser:

As the oldest LGBTQIA+ organization in Poland, we have been consistently working for 27 years in the areas of mental health, safety, equality, law, history, and culture.

We Document the History of the LGBTQIA+ Movement

QueerMuzeum is run by Lambda Warsaw Association – donate 1.5% to help fund our activities!

If you would like your tax deduction to go to QM, please add the specific purpose “QueerMuzeum” or “QM” in your PIT declaration.

We appeal for donations to QueerMuzeum of materials related to the history of the Polish and Central European LGBTQIA+ community!

We are collecting both items related to the activities of former organizations, clubs, magazines, etc. (copies of queer press, especially those published underground; posters, leaflets, etc.), as well as personal and private memorabilia related to the lives of non-heteronormative individuals – photos, diaries, and personal recollections.

We also welcome contemporary materials – posters and leaflets of events, Pride marches, etc., produced by currently active LGBTQIA+ organizations.

If you wish to donate your collections, please contact us via email: